Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) at UC Irvine




Are gifts tax deductible?

The UC Irvine Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Your gift qualifies for tax-deduction in accordance with IRS regulations during the calendar year that you make your gift. Consult your tax professional for more information.


Whom can I contact for more information on how to make a gift?

Please call 949-824-6136 or email us at and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.


Can I make a gift via check to support a campaign?

Yes! You are welcome to send a check made payable to the UCI Foundation to:

UCI Giving

111 Theory, Suite 200

Irvine, CA 92617

Please make sure to indicate which ZotFunder project you are supporting in the memo.


Will I get a receipt for tax purposes?

If your donation qualifies as a charitable contribution, a gift receipt for your financial records will be sent to you in the mail.


Do you accept matching gifts?

Some companies match their employees' gifts to universities.

This could double or even triple your gift to UC Irvine.

For questions, please email:


You can mail your matching gift to:

UCI Gift Administration

University Advancement

111 Theory, Suite 200

Irvine, CA 92617


What should I do if I'd like to make my gift in honor of or in memory of someone?

If you would like to make your gift in honor of or in memory of someone, please email the following information to 

  • Your name
  • Gift amount
  • Gift date
  • Is your gift in honor of, or in memory of
  • Full name of honoree
  • Is the honoree an alum, student, parent of a student, faculty or staff member of UCI? If so, please indicate which relationship types apply.
  • Would you like us to notify anyone about your gift? If so, please include their full name and address information.
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