We’re glad you’re here! Anteater alumni like you play a pivotal role in building community and supporting UCI programs and students.

In fact, UCI Alumni Chapters exist for 4 main reasons:

1. Connect: Provide UCI alumni with a lifelong connection to both fellow UCI graduates and to the University itself by expanding the boundaries of the UCIAA.

2. Engage: Provide diverse programming that represents the various interests and age groups of our diverse alumni through events and community service that foster the spirit of camaraderie and sentiment of alumni who reside in common region and/or share the same interests.

3. Promote: Encourage alumni to become members of the UCIAA, hiring of UCI students and alumni, along with supporting UCI traditions and initiatives.

4. Serve: Inspire and support current students by providing scholarship and mentoring support, feedback on projects, and the ability to serve on special committees as they arise.

That last purpose is particularly important as many alumni chapters are currently fundraising for scholarships as the student need is so great.


Supporting scholarships directly impacts UCI students. Your gift to the UCI Alumni Association Scholarship Fund will assist with the costs of education—textbooks, lab equipment, class fees, etc.


UCI Alumni Association FAQ

What are UCI Alumni Chapters?

To meet the needs of an ever expanding alumni population, a national network of dedicated alumni volunteers work hard to represent the UCI Alumni in their local, regional, constituency and academic communities.


>> Regional Chapters: Alumni serve as local experts for their region, plan regional UCI/UC events and help orient fellow Anteaters moving into the area.


>> Affinity Chapters: Join fellow Anteaters who share a common bond or interest outside of an academic program or a regional affiliation.


>> Industry Chapters: Join fellow Anteaters who are involved in the same industry as you or explore new industries by getting involved.


>> Academic Chapters: These chapters are developed around the graduates of a school, department, or academic program and typically have a university staff member for support. Academic chapters/clubs exist to support and promote the goals of both the academic unit and the UCI Alumni Association.


All chapters are listed here: http://alumni.uci.edu/engage/chapters.php

Why join a chapter?

- Show your Anteater pride!

- Network with fellow alumni that share your common interests.

- Increase UCI awareness in your community.

Want to join a chapter?

Email us at alumni@uci.edu and we’ll help you get started!

Interested in starting a chapter?

There are many resources! Click here to learn more, then email alumni@uci.edu for information about how to start the process!

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