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Film Arts Drama Alliance - ZotFest 2020

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
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Project ended on June 05, at 11:55 PM PDT
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Film Arts Drama Alliance - ZotFest 2020

Hello All! 

Welcome to the ZotFest 2020 page hosted by the Film Arts Drama Alliance of UC Irvine. We are a student run organization on campus consisting of a diverse group of over 100 members, including non-film majors. Our mission is to help exceed student's knowledge in film by allowing them to get a hands on, one of a kind experience with story telling, filmmaking and production. Students of any major are always welcome, with no experience needed. As students, we are always learning, no matter what and we encourage everyone to utilize their creativity and discover that artistic outlet to share with the world. 

Considering we are a film organization on campus, there needs to be a way to showcase all of the students' creativity and work. This is where ZotFest comes in. What is ZotFest? It is a student run film festival that takes place every single year. It is a one day event that promotes student artistic abilities and rewards them for it. Students get to submit their work to ZotFest and within the attendees, are professionals within the industry that get to examine the projects that have been created to screen. There's no festival without entertainment, networking and interaction. During the festival, guests are given the chance to hear panelists speak about their work and what they do for a living. There's also entertainment that takes place at reception where food and drinks are served.

As co-directors, we are ecstatic to embark on this journey. However, we will need a lot of help. We are holding this upcoming festival in a grand theatre for our 21st ZotFest. With about 350 attendees from last year's event, we want to go above and beyond our limitations. Proceeds will ensure that we have brochures, food, programs, funding for the venue, trophies, equipment, and other festival amenities in order to provide the most memorable experience possible for audiences.

ZotFest is a part of a larger school organization called FADA (Film Arts Drama Alliance). Each year, FADA produces a professional film shoot with industry-level equipment, all crewed and cast by UCI students. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to get hands-on experience in a professional setting. Any additional proceeds will help produce FADA's annual music video production which will make its debut at ZotFest!

The 21st Annual ZotFest Student Film Festival will take place on June 5, 2020. It will be a virtual event open for the public, and we welcome anyone who loves the joy of filmmaking or watching films in general. Please follow us on our social media platforms to stay up to date with the event. 

YOU can help us reach our goal. 


Choose a giving level



If you donate $10, you will receive a shoutout on our social media platforms and email updates.



If you donate $25, you will be recognized in our promotional ZotFest videos.



If you donate $50, you will receive a handwritten thank you note from the ZotFest Team.



If you donate $100, you will be recognized in the ZotFest 2020 programs and brochures.



If you donate $300, you will be personally acknowledged at the event and will have a reserved seat.

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