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FRESH Food Fair Fundraiser

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
64 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on July 31, at 11:55 PM PDT
Project Owners

FRESH Food Fair Fundraiser

With so many lives upended in the face of the pandemic, FRESH Basic Needs Hub helps provide UCI students with fresh, filling, and healthy food as well as assistance with other needs.

Hunger touches every community and food insecurity is a critical issue. Join the households of UCI’s University Hills to support FRESH Basic Needs Hub.

What is Food Insecurity? The USDA defines very low food security as reduced food intake or disrupted eating patterns at times due to limited resources. Low food security is defined as reduced quality, variety or desirability of diet, with little or no indication of reduced food intake. Together, these two categories comprise food insecurity.

How do students access the food pantry at the FRESH Basic Needs Hub? FRESH is available to all students who self-identify as needing food assistance. There are no eligibility requirements for this service.

Where does FRESH get the food for their pantry? The FRESH Basic Needs Hub has a partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank and they bring food to campus once a week, but their delivery only meets our food demand for 1-2 days of the week. For the rest of the week, FRESH purchases food from the OC Food Bank, wholesalers, and rely on donations.

Why support the FRESH Basic Needs Hub? Because it is easy to access, the pantry is in high demand and food is constantly running out. In addition, the food pantry could use monetary support to increase the amount of healthier food options, quality and variety of options currently being offered.

Choose a giving level


Bag of Essentials

Thank you! Your gift of $25 covers the cost of some pantry basics.


Both Hands Full of Groceries

We are grateful for your gift of $50! Your support helps set the table for several days.


Week of Meals

Your gift of $125 provides a week of lunches and dinners for a student. Thank you!


Two Weeks of Meals

Your gift of $250 provides two weeks of lunches and dinners for a student. Thank you!


Stocked Pantry

Thank you for your generous support! Your gift of $500 enables FRESH Basic Needs Hub to stock a student’s pantry for a whole month!

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