Help AirUCI Upgrade our Facilities!

Raised toward our $25,000 Goal
15 Donors
days left
Project ends on July 01, at 12:00 AM PDT
Project Owners

AirUCI… Smart Energy, Sustainable Environment

AirUCI is an Organized Research Unit (ORU) located at the University of California, Irvine. We are a multidisciplinary research group dedicated to understanding and solving the crucial concerns of our planet; issues that include: 

•    indoor and outdoor air pollution
•    environmental justice
•    climate change
•    green technology
•    urban greening
•    new energy sources
•    land use policy
•    societal adaptation strategies
•    sustainability
•    agriculture
•    the effects of these on human health

and more — at local to global scales.

AirUCI is dedicated to understanding, sharing, and providing practical solutions for the problems our world is facing, and we have a proven track record in these fields. Our leadership in environmental research contributes to the well-being of the UC Irvine community, Orange County, our state, and our entire nation.  We are renowned for the depth and breadth of our science and are actively engaged in sharing it with our colleagues, the scientific community, and the general public. To this end, in our conference room we host frequent seminars and lectures from experts in all these areas of vital interest.

Our conference room is also a central gathering space to interact, develop new collaborations and broaden our horizons in the complex air quality-climate arena. We host lab tours on a regular basis for school groups and the lay public. One of our highest goals is to clearly communicate these vital issues to a wide audience, and each tour begins and ends in our conference room.

And here’s where you can help… we have a desperate need to modernize our conference room. Upgrading this venue to meet today’s standards will enhance our ability to communicate our science and its impacts on society. The current room and equipment are over 15 years old and past the point of repair, so we are seeking funds to take on this project. We estimate that it will take $25,000 to upgrade our conference room.

Who We Are and What We Do

Our integrated group of world-renowned environmental scientists, health experts, engineers and researchers endeavor to elucidate the essential science and impacts of air pollution and climate change, and their effects on human health, global societies and the ecological state of our planet. AirUCI’s award-winning team includes faculty from UC Irvine schools of Physical Sciences, Public Health, Engineering and Social Sciences as well as the researchers in their groups.  

We work together in collaborative, fundamental research utilizing advanced modeling, cutting-edge technology, field studies, and state-of-the-art laboratory and engineering techniques in order to uncover new approaches for solving the vital issues we face and to create innovative solutions that minimize the effects on people and our planet.  

We collaborate with many of the leading experts in America and around the world. As a group, AirUCI’s researchers publish numerous papers each year in major scientific journals. Our professors are frequently interviewed in the media as experts on climate, energy, pollution, science, and health topics.  Several of them are popular guests on podcasts, radio, and television programs for NPR, PBS, the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, and more. In addition to our professors, the AirUCI team includes a wealth of amazing students, postdoctoral scholars, and staff scientists.  Each year we graduate a number of students who will make up the next generation of scientists, health practitioners, and engineers.

Effective communication of our work to the wider world begins in our conference room, and we are making this opportunity available to our supporters to assist with this important project. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help us reach this important goal.

Choose a giving level


$25 Level Supporter

Thank you for your support! Every contribution gets us one step closer to our goal of $25,000


$100 Level Supporter

We cannot thank you enough! Your generous donation helps support AirUCI’s outreach to the scientific community and the public!


$500 Level Supporter

You stand out as one of our most passionate supporters! Your gift makes a huge difference in helping AirUCI spread the word about our research!


$1000 Level Supporter

Wow! Your amazing contribution goes a long way toward making our conference room a state-of-the-art facility where the latest research findings are shared!

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